- 5 hours
- Learn to master state machines in part 3 of the Strategy Games in AS3 series. Attach A* to sprites to move them across terrains, bringing together the two previous parts of this series.
- Create a shaded terrain.
- Dynamically adjust contrast with the ColorMatixFilter class.
- Create multiple states for an object.
- Progress from a simple switch statement to object-oritented states.
- Create multiple players.
- Learn to create a turn-based environment for units and players, for both human and computer input.
- Create computer opponents.
- Create multiple unit types: land, air, computer and human.
- Use the bitmap class to create a “fog of war” that reveals the map as units move.
- Differentiate between turn-based and non-turn-based states (and support both).
- Add combat between units.
- Refactor to use a singleton design pattern.
You can also get a bundle of all three courses, 10 hours of training:
- Terrains
- A* Pathfinding
- State Machines
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