Thursday, May 20, 2010

17 Blenderheads Meet!

This month's CBUG meeting had 17 members show up by the end of the evening! We'll need a bigger room if this keeps up. Richard created the example as I talked through the fundamentals of Blender's Logic Bricks.

Next month I'll do some basics of going from Logic Bricks to Python. It will be a shorter presentation, we'll still have time to socialize, but we'll also have a slot to have other Colorado Blenderheads show there recent work.


  1. great meeting john, I wasn't really interested in the game side of blender till today!

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

  3. Ohh, I'll make sure to bring my progress work for tips then! (And I agree that you'll need a bigger room soon, simply to have table space for everyone's laptop! :D )

    Thanks for a great meeting.
